
January 19, at 3:45pm

Hyndland Community Hall, 24 Novar Dr, Glasgow, G12 9PU

From seven minute preach offs - to table discussion and a healthy dose of heckling - we are a people who love to openly wrestle with the text. Sundays are where we each share, confess our sins and hurts, building this body and each other up in love. From love feasts to a cappella worship, we gather with Christ as our centre and delve the depths of what it means to love and follow him as a people.


Sunday 19 January. Our passage for today will be Jesus's first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding feast.

7. 30pm on Friday, Date to be Decided

Drygate Brewery

Every few weeks Mosaic gets together at Drygate Brewery on a Friday night to discuss a topic of interest to the community while enjoying a pint and (optional) cigar. Past topics have included Revolution, Reformation 2.0, Pagan spirituality, Heaven and Hell, why be a Christian, Biblical Marriage and many others!

Next topic: TBD

Every Wednesday at 6:30pm

The Whitehouse on Maryhill Road

Think 1970s disco music meets cooking and eating in the community.

House Groups meet in our members’ houses for prayer, bible study, sometimes food, or to enrich your fellowship however you like! If you are interested in joining a House Group, please talk to one of the leaders.

We value living out Jesus core teachings - the sermon on the mount. That is not possible without the spade work of the soul - contemplation, reflection and reconnecting to the deep tap roots of the faith. Think learning the ancient prayer methods of the Desert Fathers and Mothers,silent retreat in a Franciscan Frairy or time together in a far away nook somewhere in remote Scotland.

© 2023 Mosaic Community Church

Generated on Thursday, July 13, 2023